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These are the insurances we accept:
- 30515
- aac risk mgnt svc
- aarp
- aarp medicare
- accordia benefits
- account management
- acordia national
- adminastar, hac program
- administrative concepts, inc
- admiral life ins
- advanced ins admin
- advanced ins services
- advanced insurances service
- advantage ppo
- advantra freedom
- aetna
- aetna fl
- aetna medicare
- aetna supplement
- aflac
- age industries
- agency services
- ahcp (il)
- alantic american life
- alcan aluminum corp
- all savers
- alliance ins grp.
- allied
- allstate
- allstate claims
- allstate ins co,
- allstate insurance co.
- allstate insurnace co kentucky auto
- allwell
- alta
- alta health strategies
- ambetter
- amco
- amco/hfn, inc
- american progressive
- american continental insurance
- american fidelity
- american freightways
- american general
- american health care providers
- american healthcare alliance
- american heritage life ins
- american hmo
- american international co
- american inv estors life ins
- american investors life
- american life
- american lifecare
- american management corp
- american med securiy
- american national
- american national ins co
- american national life ins co
- american pioneer
- american rep
- american republic ins co
- amerihealth
- amerisure
- amil iternational ins
- animal care center
- anthem blue
- aon consulting
- apwu
- apwu health plan
- ar 1-call system,inc
- ark hwy & trans dept
- arkanas rehab
- arkansas 1st source rem
- arkansas best corporation
- arkansas carpenters health & welfare
- arkansas community care
- arkansas freightways,inc
- arkansas pipe trades health
- arkansas scholl boards assoc workers comp
- arkansas state police assoc.
- arkansas workers compensation
- arkla,inc benefits
- arquest attn barbara cummings
- asd/shp, claims dept
- asheville service center
- asrm
- assoc grp admin inc
- associates and society ins corp
- associates for health care,inc.
- association life
- assurant health
- aultcare
- auto insurance
- avi
- avma group health
- ba blue cross blue shield
- bankers life & casuality
- bass administrators
- bc bs medicare
- bcbs
- bcbs ford cmp serv. center
- beech street
- beech street ppo
- behavioral health claim admins
- benefit concepts, inc.
- benefit management
- benefit planners
- benefit source, inc
- benefit support, inc.
- benefits admin.
- benfit planners
- benicorp
- biomet
- blue cross blue shield
- bmi-healthplans
- board of pensions
- bob mccloskey insurance
- boilmakers national
- bollinger ins
- borden emp. benefits
- bridgeport employers ins co
- brookfield
- brooklyn center claims
- brown jordan
- bunch & assoc.
- burns international security ser
- c/o conduent
- c/o jm family enterprises
- cannon cochran management services inc
- capca head start
- care improvement plus
- carp. health & welfare
- carroll electric co-op corp
- casi, inc.
- catholic relief ins co of america
- cba
- centeral states health & wel
- central states health&wealth
- century healthcare
- cgs jurisdiction c
- champva
- cherokee ins co
- chesterfield resources, inc.
- choice
- choice benefits
- chubb
- cigna
- cigna health care
- cigna- medicare
- cincinnati insurance
- city of dallas united health care
- claimedix,inc
- cna health partners
- cna, il
- co ordinate benefits
- co ordinated benefts
- collections agency
- colonial health
- colonial health-uca
- colonial penn
- colonial penn life insurance
- combined ins
- combined ins co
- community health plan
- compsych
- connecticare claims
- constitution life insurance co
- continental american
- cooperative benefit administrators
- coresource
- coresource,inc.
- corvel
- coventry health care
- covid 19 hrsa uninsured testing and treatment fund
- crossamerica health plans
- d & v health & welfare fund
- dalton designer smile
- definity health
- dme
- doc first
- dwight jones agency
- ebs
- emc ins co
- emedon
- employee benefit services
- employee benefits services
- empower
- entergy wc
- entr aetn healthcare
- entrust claims administrator
- epoch group
- excellus benefit srv
- f
- farm
- farm bureau
- farm bureau ins
- farmers national doc ctr.
- farris agency
- fcarc
- first care health plans
- first comp
- first health
- first source pricing div
- firsthealth
- fiserv health
- fiserv health-kansas
- fmac/o tall tree
- fmh coresource
- fortis insurance com
- foundation benefits admin
- foundation health
- fox everet
- freedom life ins co of amercia
- freedom life insurance
- gallagher benefit
- geha
- geico
- general american
- gerber life insurance company
- gibson
- gilbraltar nat ins co.
- golden rule ins co.
- golden rule ins
- gpa
- great southern life
- great west casuality
- great west life&annuity
- great-west life&annuity ins co
- gurantee trust life ins
- hammerman & gainer, inc
- hanover ins
- harrington health
- harrington benefit services
- harrington benefits
- hartford worker comp
- hcc medical insurance srvc
- health
- health choice
- health comp
- health link
- health net commercial claims
- health plan services
- healthcare
- healthnet option plus
- healthpartners
- healthscope
- healthscope benefits, inc
- healthsmart
- healthsmart/cincinnati financial
- heartland national
- hm benefits administrators, inc.
- hma az
- hma, llc
- humana
- humana claims
- humana claims office
- iac of ms
- iant
- ibew-neca southwestern health
- ihc stm claims
- independence administrators
- independence adminstinstrato
- ins benefit adm
- insurance center
- insurance tpa
- int ben admin
- intern aetna us healthcare ppo
- international benefits administrators
- interplan health group
- iron rd bc/ bs
- iron rd mcare
- j.f. molloy & associates, inc
- jefferson national life
- john alden life insurance co
- kaiser permanente
- kaiser permanente claims
- key benefit administrators, inc.
- klais & company
- liberty mutual
- liberty bell agency
- liberty healthshare
- liberty mutual (ky)
- loomis company
- loomis co
- louisiana medicaid
- loyal american
- lucent health
- lumico life
- luminare
- mail handlers
- mail handlers benefit plan
- managemed
- markel ins (wc)
- marquette life
- maskin mgmt corp
- mayo clinic health solutions
- med one
- medi share
- medi-share christian care
- medica
- medicaid
- medicare
- medipak
- medipak adv
- mediplus
- medtrak services
- mega life & health
- mega life and health insurance
- mental health network
- mercy health
- meritain health
- mhn
- midwest central claims
- midwest ins
- minnesota health care programs
- misc. ins
- missionary medical
- molina medicare
- monumental life ins
- mothers milk bank north texas
- mpak adv
- multiplan
- municipal health benefit fund
- municipal league workers comp
- mutual assurance administrators
- mutual of omaha
- mva pyts
- nap aetna
- nase
- national businees assoc.
- national elevator ind
- national guardian
- national rural electric
- national states insurance compnay
- nationwide insurance
- nbla membership plan, pci
- new era life
- ngs american
- nippon
- nippon life ins
- nmhc rx
- novasys
- nppn-st. louis iron workers
- nppn-wausau
- ny united healthcare
- office of group benefits
- old surety life insurance
- omaha insurance company
- one health plan
- optimed health plan
- optimed health plans
- ott insurance
- oxford ins
- oxford health
- p5 health plan solutions
- pacific life and annuity
- pacificare
- pai
- palmetto
- pan american life
- parker drilling
- pcip
- pecd state claims
- performax
- phcs
- phcs mn
- phcs tx
- philadelphia amercian
- philadelphia american life
- physicians mutual
- pilot travel ctrs
- pioneer life ins. co.
- pipeline industry benefit fund
- plan administrator
- ppo oklahoma
- ppo plus
- ppo plus inc
- preferredone administrative serv.
- principal fin group
- principal life insurance co.
- principal mutual life
- professional benefit adm.
- professional benefit admin
- progressive
- progressive direct insurance
- prudental healthcare pos
- ps health
- public employee claim division
- pyramid claims
- pyramid life
- qual choice advantage
- qualchoice
- railroad medicare
- reliance standard life
- reserve national ins co.
- royal neighbors of america
- rsl specialty products admin
- rural carriers health
- rural carrier benefit
- salt lake city
- san francisco bread co
- sds
- securehorizons direct
- select benefit administrators
- self insured benefit adminstrators
- sentinel security life
- sentry insurance
- seven corners
- sharp inc
- shelter ins
- sisco
- smc inc
- south region claims
- southern electrical health
- southern guaranty ins
- southwesternhealth& benefit
- sparebank 1 skadeforsilkring as
- sparks premier care
- special insurance service inc
- special insurance services
- st paul travelers
- st. johns claim administration
- star administrative services
- star hrg
- starmark
- state auto
- state farm
- state farm health insurance
- state farm ins
- state farm insurance
- state mutual insurance company
- sterling investors
- sterling options
- sterling premier
- stm claims department
- strategic resource company
- student resources
- summit america
- superien health network
- symtra
- tall tree administrators
- tenet choices
- texas true choice
- the capella group
- the hartford
- time insurance co
- todays options
- total benefit services,inc
- tower life insurance comp
- tpa
- transamerica
- transportation claims
- travelers wc
- tricare east
- tricare for life
- tricare gulfsouth
- tricare prime southregion
- trustmark
- u.s. department of labor
- uct
- uhc ar benefits
- uhc mc
- uhc mcare
- umr
- unicare
- unified life ins co
- union pacific railroad employees
- union standard insurance group
- unisys corporation
- united american
- united american insurance co.
- united behavorial health
- united commercial travelers of america
- united community action program
- united fire & casuality
- united food commercial workers
- united group programs,inc.
- united health
- united health care
- united health care shared
- united health postal
- united healthcare
- united insurance
- united medical resources,inc
- united of omaha life ins
- united security life
- united states postal service
- united teacher associates ins co
- united world life insurance co
- unitedhealthcare
- unitrin mutual lines ins
- uprr worker comp
- usa life
- usa now
- usaa
- usaa life
- usable firstsource
- usable life
- usct claims
- usp&c ins operations
- valueoptions railroad unit
- volt services group
- w i n association
- washington nat ins
- washington national isn co
- wausau
- web tpa
- webtpa
- wellcare
- wellcare by allwell
- wellmark bcbs of iowa
- wells fargo insurance services
- will county carpenters local 174
- windsor medicare extra
- woodman ofamerica
- world insurance company
- wps/tricare
- zurich
About Us Office: DB Family Clinic
Medical Lane
AR 72034
(Map) P: 501-329-3600
after hours emergencies: P: 501-329-1199
Provider:Dr. Valeid Sheikh, OD Hours: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Wednesday: Closed
seen by appointment only